Campaign law and you

Laws restrict campaigning in the workplace.

While SRP encourages and supports employee participation in the political process, employees should be aware that SRP is subject to state and federal laws limiting and restricting campaign activities in the workplace and use of corporate assets for campaign purposes.

Specifically, federal and state election laws preclude businesses from making monetary or other direct contributions to candidates for federal, state and local offices. Businesses also are barred from using resources to support or oppose candidates to such offices except through political action committees like the SRP Political Involvement Committee (PIC).

PIC, in turn, must adhere to strict guidelines regarding the solicitation of contributions, making contributions to candidates and conducting informational campaigns for employees.

In addition, state law prohibits employees and other individuals from delivering or mailing any document to influence the outcome of an election that purports to be, or simulates, a mailing sent by a governmental entity like SRP. The penalty is twice the cost of the mailing, or $500, whichever is greater.

To assure compliance with election laws, SRP does not allow its facilities, equipment or resources to be used by employees in connection with personal efforts to influence the outcome of an election.

Activities prohibited on SRP premises include: Using SRP's computers, e-mail system, supplies or other resources to solicit support for or contributions to a candidate; Originating or forwarding a flyer or an e-mail about a political candidate to influence the election of that candidate; Displaying or distributing on SRP property campaign materials for an upcoming federal, state, local or SRP election of a candidate. Employees with questions regarding these policies should contact their Employee and Labor Relations Representatives.